Happy birthday, baby! Another year has passed, and it’s time to mark the occasion with a party (or at least a cake). As the years add up, the parties may get more complex, adding school friends and others into the mix for invitation consideration. With extracurricular activities , the guest list can quickly get long, including those very much tangential to everyday life. The last thing I need–and I’m guessing it’s true for you too–is more stuff, especially more toys. When a birthday comes on the heels of or just before a major gift-giving holiday, the urge to purge can be overwhelming, and the thought of an onslaught of additional toys feels like a burden rather than a gift. Read the rest on the Baton Rouge Parents magazine website .
Mari Walker is a communications specialist available to work on website content creation, writing, editing and proofing, and social media campaigns. Contact me if you are interested in working together.