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BR Parents Blog: Oh Snap! Preserving Childhood Memories with a Weekly Email

My husband and I have a running joke that I have a Swiss cheese memory–nothing dangerous, but I don’t retain things the way he does, including some memories of life events. It doesn’t take much to jog my memory, and of course, plenty of less-than-desirable memories are glued to my brain forever. (Hello, anxiety my old friend.)

I want to capture my daughters’ childhoods and hold onto them without relying on my fragile memory, both for myself and for my girls.

There are so many great ways to do this nowadays. At a recent coffee date with other moms from my younger daughter’s preschool, the subject came up and several moms shared their ideas, including creating physical books from their Instagram photos each year and using private or limited social media accounts to preserve and share memories.

Although I never finished my girls’ physical baby books, I have created an ongoing record of our family life by taking a lot of pictures and a lot of notes. I send both photos and notes in real time to a small group of family members who expressed interest when I started (unclear if they all still read/open the messages thousands and thousands of words later!).

Read the rest on the Baton Rouge Parents Magazine website.